Invited to serve in the Organizing Committee to the IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2022 as the Social Media Chair. Follow the conference on Twitter / LinkedIn / Facebook and its official site.
Category: Conference
Speaking at the IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things for the Topical Program: Computing Track in New Orleans, Louisiana. Topic: “Computation and IoT Considerations for Smart Autonomous Embedded Firefighting Systems”
Best Presenter Award!
In collaboration with R. Matin, we were awarded the Best Presenter Award for their paper titled “An Audio Processing Approach Using Ensemble Learning for Speech-Emotion Recognition for Children with ASD” in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning session track at IEEE-AIIoT Congress 2021
Technical Program @ SC21
Invited to serve as an ACM Graduate Posters Committee Member in the Technical Program for Supercomputing (SC21). Science & Beyond!